
The legacy continues

The radio guy just said that today will be the warmest day of the week. What joyful news!?! It is 9:30 a.m. and it is still minus 4 degrees.

Last Friday the Franciscan Sisters hosted the Chamber of Commerce Friday Morning Coffee event. With the 6 to 8 inches of new snow last Thursday/Friday the number of guests was much smaller than usual. One thing that was sure, was that no one who came had a problem finding a parking place! We were very pleased to have had at least 35 guests, many of whom were Sisters—and we live right here.

The biggest event this week, that I know of, is the celebration of the Founding of our Little Falls Franciscan Sisters Religious Community 123 years ago. Bishop Donald Kettler will be here to celebrate the 11 a.m. Mass with us.

March 2nd is the 110th Birthday of Dr. Seuss, author of Cat in the Hat, Red Fish Blue Fish and many other books for children and adults. I thank God for authors and story tellers who help us use our imaginations and stimulate our thinking.

The statue of St. Francis in the courtyard is up to his neck in snow. Come spring, come.

Have a good week. Stay safe and healthy.

Peace and blessings,
Sister Mary Lou

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