Depending on how one looks at it, the year is half over or there is still half a year ahead of us in 2013. I am grateful that we have a forecast of a week of good weather ahead of us. Pictured is one of the rose bushes outside the front door of Mary Hall. Really full of flowers. Thank you, Steve, for your loving TLC that help these bushes do so well.
South Dakota was the state honed at our Dining Adventure last week. Some of the foods served were: Black Hills Golden Scrambled Eggs, Yankton apple Kutchen, Prairie Dogs, Sunflower Seed Cakes, Bison Tater Tot Hot Dish (yes, with bison meat), Mitchell Corn on the cob, Prairie Berry Pie and Rushmore Biscuits. These Dining Adventure meals are always fun. On the railing leading into the dining room were pictures of “other products of South Dakota” the Sisters who came from that state!
On Tuesday a bus of parishioners from St. Bridget’s Parish of NE Minneapolis came for a tour of our place. The came just before Mass, had lunch in our dining Room and the had tours. I’d say they had a good time. Their pastor, Father Anthony, was the presider at our 11 a.m. Mass that day.
Friday and Saturday we hosted 85 members of the Total Ministry Summit—a gathering of Ministry Teams, ordained and non-ordained, of the Episcopalian Church of Minnesota. They have been coming the past 8 years and like meeting here at St. Francis because we are about in the center of the State and have good facilities for them to meet in. “Episcopalians: Accept the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, Accept the Bible as the word of god, Believe in Christ’s real presence in Communion; some explain it as only spiritiual, others are close to Roman Catholic view of transubstantiation, and insist on apostolic succession, that is bishops must be ordained in an unbroken line back to the apostles. “ (From HONORING OUR NEIGHBOR’S FAITH copyright 1999, Augsburg Fortress.)
Sisters Aurora and Isabelle came from Mexico to be with us this month. They renewed their Vows for another three years. They will be working in various places on campus this month. When they leave they will have just a couple days before their college classes begin again. Tonight Sr. Isa showed us pictures of her parents’ home and farm in Mexico and of our houses in Mexico.
One afternoon a musical group came to play for the Sisters on second and third floor. Everyone enjoys the time with them…foot tapping, clapping and singing along.
Sunday I was in Duluth all day for a Secular Franciscan Gathering. It was a long, but very good day. I am grateful that I had help with the driving.
Happy 4th of July. Remember why we celebrate this day. Be safe.
Peace and blessings,
Sister Mary Lou
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