Winter has arrived! The low this morning was 3 degrees. I think the snow from Thanksgiving Day is on the ground to stay.
Sister Mary Alice Rudnicki, age 97, died very unexpectedly at 4 a.m. on Wednesday, November 21st, in Clare Residence. We will welcome her body back to the Motherhouse today with a short prayer service at 3:30 today. The funeral for Sr. Alice will be tomorrow at 11 a.m.
I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did. Pictured here is the veggie tray that Kelly brought for our family potluck meal. There were 37 of us gathered at Richard and Louise’s home near West Union. It’s always good to see all the family.
The tragedy of two teenagers being murdered last Thursday, has put a damper on feelings here in Little Falls. May the Lord bless with comfort and peace all the families and friends of the two youth.
On Saturday, Sister Ruth’s mother, sisters and sister-in-laws came to do Christmas baking. She said she didn’t count how many coffee cakes. But it was LOTS. She shared a couple with the Sisters for brunch on Sunday. Yummy!

Our EnLUNCHment on Wednesday will be a Memorial Service remembering the Sisters who have died in the past year—14 since last November. Eternal Life give to them, O Lord and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.
Saturday night the Heartland Orchestra will be presenting their Christmas Concert at the Public High School. It is always a great program.
On Sunday, December 2nd, our own St. Francis Chorale will sing their Christmas Concert in our Sacred Heart Chapel at 7 p.m. It is always well worth listening. We usually have a full-house for the event. Thanks, singers, for sharing your talents with all of us. God bless you.
Blessings on your week.
The first Sunday of Advent is this coming Sunday. That means Christmas isn’t far behind.
Sister Mary Lou