Here it is the middle of the week already. We’ve had busy days around the Motherhouse.
Last Saturday was the Retreat Day for Associates. About 35 Sisters and Associates attended the event. Our own Sister Clara Stang gave the presentations. Afterwards one of the participants said, “I will never say the Our Father the same way.” What a great compliment. Whenever anyone’s prayer life is deepened, it is a worthwhile event.
And of course, on Sunday was Donor Day. We had 212 guests for the day’s events. I received a copy of Father Michael’s homily. It touched my heart and I know it touched the hearts of many in the congregation, too. He reminded them that in their donations of “money, support and relationships, they are accompanying the Franciscan Sisters as they continue the ministry of Jesus among the needy, in the spirit of Saint Francis.” And I say with Father Michael, “Thank you, Franciscan Sisters and Donors, for opening your hearts to receive God’s peace in Jesus Christ, for cultivating it there, and for sharing it with others.” After the Mass there was a delicious meal followed by a program. Robyn Gray talked about St. Francis Music Center and all the wonderful things they do there in addition to giving music lessons…how the staff works to build self-confidence and self-esteem in the 300 + persons who come to the Music Center each week. Our guests were also invited to tour the newly remodeled convent kitchen.

This coming Saturday, our Sister Elise Saggau will give a presentation on Franciscan Prayer. Any presentation she gives is worth listening to.
One of our Sisters, Sister Roberta Zimmer, is near death. Sisters have been staying with her round-the-clock. May the Merciful Lord come to take her home. This afternoon, I got a call that my last living aunt, Sister Agnesine Rosonke, in Dubuque, IA, is not doing well. May God be with all those who are near death.
The other day I came across this prayer. It is called A Child’s Prayer for Morning. As I read it, I thought, “This is good for anyone.” See what you think.
“Now before I run to play,/ let me not forget to pray/ to God who kept me
through the night/ and waked me with the morning light./ Help me, Lord, to love
Thee more than I ever loved before. In my work and in my play,/ be Thou with me
through the day. Amen.”

Pax et Bonum (Peace and all good.)
Sister Mary Lou