Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. What happened to summer? (It’s 56 degrees here right now at 10:15, as I write this.) I guess summer is supposed to be coming back by the weekend.
I went past the Community Gardens the other day. They are looking good.
The potatoes, corn, beans, peas are growing well. The recent rains and heat have helped a lot. And we all know that rain is so much better than water from a hose.

Then on Friday we had the funeral for Sister Clara Schroedl, age 76. She is the last member of her family to die. We were so pleased to see half the Chapel filled with her nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.

Yesterday our two novices left to return to Mexico. Sister Isa has been living at our house the past three months. Sister Isa cooked some delicious Mexican meals for us.
Have a safe 4th of July. I am planning on going to the West Union 2 p.m. parade, on the 4th. All are welcome to come for the parade. After the parade there is a pot luck meal in the city park. Let us pray for good weather for the parade and meal.
Have a safe 4th of July. I am planning on going to the West Union 2 p.m. parade, on the 4th. All are welcome to come for the parade. After the parade there is a pot luck meal in the city park. Let us pray for good weather for the parade and meal.
As I am writing this, I am listening to Party Line on the radio. The guests on today’s program are talking about the St. Francis All School Reunion, July 18 and 19. It is a very interesting program. The reunion will be a BIG deal. There are over 500 registered so far. On the 17th there will be a reunion for the nurses who graduated from the Breckenridge School of Nursing.
God bless you.
Sister Mary Lou
God bless you.
Sister Mary Lou
