I hope you all had a safe and good long-weekend.
For me a special time was attending the 14th annual Memorial Service, “Will We Remember?” at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery. The Richfield Symphonic Band provided beautiful music before and during the program. Jack Peck is always a wonderful Master of Ceremonies. I heard one speaker say that there are 25 million Veterans in the USA. There are 3,000 buried at our local Veterans Cemetery. Placing of the wreaths for the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Women in the Military, Disabled American Veterans, and POWs always touches my heart. When the band played the “Armed Forces Medley” and the service men and women from each group stand while their song is played brought tears to my eyes. The group Water Into Wine performed several numbers. Dr. James Tuorila, Surgeon General Veterans of Foreign Wars delivered an inspirational message about heroes who have served in the military. The pictures shown here were taken by Rob Paxton.
On May 19th, we celebrated our Senior Sisters with a banana-split treat in the afternoon. Most of us who live in Little Falls fit into that category!
The EnLUNCHment presentation at noon on Wednesday was put on by Debbie Baldwin. She showed slides and spoke to the topic: “Three Faiths, Two Countries, One Peace.” The three faiths were Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The two countries are Israel and Palestine. And peace is the desire of all.
The next day, I read to Mrs. Hanson’s first graders at Lindbergh School for the last time this year. It is a volunteer activity that I really enjoy.
Thursday evening CEC (the Continuing Education Center) held its graduation ceremony for 17 seniors. Their motto is: Each of us has different talents, different dreams and different destinations, yet we all have the same power to make a difference. I guess that is true for each of us. Congratulations to all who graduate this year. The Franciscan Sisters scholarship went to Victoria Fulda, who will be going into the health ministry field. In addition to those who graduated at CEC there were another 19 graduates who took some classes at CEC in order to fulfill their requirements for graduation.
The closing prayer at the 8:30 a.m. Mass at the Camp Ripley Chapel on Memorial Day was written by Fr. Harold Kost.
O God of mercy, we beg you now to protect in a special way those who are in service for the country we love. Bless them and take care of them. If they are wounded and suffering, give them comfort. If they are lonely, touch them with Your gentle hand, and let them know that You are near them. And if it be Your will that they should give up their lives for us, grant them a good death, and a home with You in heaven. Hasten the day, dear Lord, when we may all enjoy the blessings of peace once more. Amen.

Next Sunday, May 31st, is the great feast of Pentecost. May the Holy Spirit come anew to you.
The lilac bushes and other flowering trees are beautiful…and they are all around us.
Let us all pray for seasonable rain.
God bless you.
Pax et Bonum (Peace and all Good)
Sister Mary Lou