Happy Monday. Spring is here. We had about ¼ inch of rain yesterday. Thank you, God and please send us more. The tulips, poppies, iris and bleeding heart plants are all up. And very soon the rhubarb will be ready for pulling. Rhubarb Crisp, here we come.

Thursday was bright and sunny as we celebrated Earth Day. We planted two soon-to–be flowering trees in memory of Father Jerry Ahles, OFM, brother of Sister Antonette Ahles. After the prayers and song of blessing, everyone who wished could throw a spade of dirt or a can of water into the hole. The trees are on the south side of the chapel walk-way and can be seen by everyone walking to Chapel or also from the Clare Residence dining rooms.
Last Friday we had a first for our Community. We had the burial of the cremains of Sr. Ramona Johnson. First we had a short Prayer Service with songs and prayers in Chapel.

On Saturday I went with my sister and sister-in-law, Cecelia and Louise, to the Quilt Show at the Weyerhaeuser Museum. What talent and patience to make such beautiful works of art from cloth and thread. I was especially impressed with a 108 X 108 quilt of 5,086 pieces made by Mary Fiechtmann. What a labor of love. Besides quits they also showed quilted vests and purses. It was a beautiful show of about 100 items on display.
Sunday was filled with activities. At the Falls Ballroom we had the 24th Spring Magic Party sponsored by the St. Camillus Place Advisory Board. This dinner and dance provides a wonderful opportunity for persons with developmental disabilities to share in a great social event with their families and friends. Our 284 guests all had a good time. I am on the Advisory Board.
Another activity Sunday afternoon was the Earth Charter meeting at the Motherhouse. Our speaker was Dr. Bernie Evans from St. John’s University. He spoke to the last two sections of the Earth Charter: Social and Economic Justice and Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace. One item that I will remember is “that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.”

For me a favorite quote from the program was a quote from the reflection of Sibelius on life and art. He said: I have always imagined life as a massive block of granite. With willpower for a chisel, you hew the granite until it bears the shape you have sketched out. It is just as important to have your plans ready before you begin to hew the stone as it is to have a sharp chisel. We all have the power to chisel out lives according to our wishes.

God bless you.
Pax et Bonum.
Sister Mary Lou