
December 16, 2008

Tuesday of the third week of Advent…and Christmas is only nine days away. Three candles on the Advent wreath are lit each day during Mass at our Motherhouse. Last night I was looking at the reflection of our candles. I so enjoy seeing the differing heights of the burning candles as the weeks go by. Today another sign of approaching Christmas appeared in Chapel. Two great big trees are standing one on each side of the sanctuary. Each day an added piece appears until the whole Christmas Crib is in place. To think that God sent His only Son to be with us. What an awesome gift. What awesome love God shows and shares with us.

Sunday we had an old-fashioned blizzard. After we got home from Mass, we all just stayed inside and watched the snow fall and the wind blow. According to the newspaper we got 8 ½ inches of new snow. (I always wonder how they can figure that out when it is moving around so fast.) I hope the homeless can find appropriate shelter in this frigid weather. And God bless those who provide shelter to those in need.

I never like to hear sirens any time. In winter, I always pray that someone has not been in an accident or their home is on fire. Check the smoke detecters and carbon monoxide detecters so you are safe, too.

This morning it was 18 below zero. That’s cold. When I was teaching, I always liked it when we got a few really cold days. It seemed to kill all the “bugs” and the children were healthier. But when they had to stay confined too long, they just passed the germs around from one to another and that was not good.

Last Friday I spent a couple hours at the Coborn’s Superstore “Making a Joyful Noise” as part of the Food Shelf fund-raiser. We collected $187.00. I thought that good in light of the bad economy and the cold night. We were set up next to the Lion’s Club fund-raiser. When people came and gave them a donation and they didn’t want their name on a slip for a chance, the guys would ask if it was OK to put “Food Shelf” on the slip. So the Food Shelf got their name in the Lion’s Club box quite a few times. I guess that some years back, the Food Shelf was winner of a $400 gift certificate for groceries. What a blessing to receive a gift like that. I was also touched by a couple ladies who made a donation and said, “I’ve had to use the food shelf this year. So I can help a little, too,”

Thursday noon we are having our Sister/Employee Christmas pot luck noon luncheon. There is always so much good food. One really has to make choices! We will bring fresh cooked squash.

Friday morning three of us Sisters will be guests on the KLTF radio Party Line program. We will talk about some of our Christmas memories. I am sure there will be some good stories.

May your days be “merry and bright.” It will be a white Christmas in this part of the world!

Peace and blessings,
Sister Mary Lou

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