
March 6, 2018

By looking out the window today, you’d never know that everything was shut down yesterday because of a blizzard. All schools were closed. Snowy, icy roads made travel difficult and not safe.  We had about a foot of snow and there was a 40 mph wind pushing it all about.

National Catholic Sisters Week starts March 5th, on International Woman’s Day which is based at Saint Mary’s University of MN in Minneapolis. Because women religious are not as visible and tend to be older, many Catholics have never interacted with Sisters and this is a chance to get to know them.

Last week we had Community Meetings from Tuesday afternoon until Friday afternoon. The main agenda item was to elect new Leadership Sisters. The two pictures below tell the results of our work.  We are happy about the outcome and we pray for them as they prepare to assume their new responsibilities—which will happen mid-June. 

Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday. Set the clocks ahead one hour sometime before Sunday morning.

Peace and blessings on your day.
Sister Mary Lou

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