
The Golden Days of Fall

“Fall is in the Air.” That’s what the sign on the door says. It is a reminder for us to do the things we need to do to stay healthy in fall and winter and to “Get the flu shot before the flu gets you.”

This morning I went for a ride on my battery scooter to look for signs of fall. What a wonderful 20-minute ride! Yesterday we got our load of potatoes that will last us until next year’s harvest. Sister Ruth said that we finished using last year’s load of potatoes about 3 weeks ago. So I took a picture of the truck and then went inside the locker plant and took a picture of the big pile of potatoes. Next, I saw tomatoes ripening on the long table in the locker plant. Next, I saw flats of onions drying in the cool morning breeze. The Grapes are picked. The raspberries are still producing. As I went past the cemetery, I noticed that the big crucifix is getting a new paint job. The community gardens are about finished for the year. Some plots are all cleaned up. Others need some work yet. One couple was harvesting their potatoes and brought their bucket over for me to see their nice harvest. They were proud of the nice big ones they had in the bucket…and they should be.

Monday afternoon we celebrated the 90th birthday of our groundskeeper, Steve Januschka. For our treat, we had fresh bread with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Thank you, Steve, for all you do to keep the grounds looking beautiful. You faithfully water the flowers in the drought times. ..and were back mowing lawns after the recent rains.

Last week we celebrated Sr. Kathleen’s going to heaven. Her long-time friend, Father Foley was the presider at the Mass…lots of good music and great singing by family friends and the Sisters. Sr. Kathleen did so much to help the poor and needy in whatever ways they needed it. I was amazed to read about all the works she did and all the places where she taught.

Sunday was Donor Appreciation Day. Over 175 guests came for the Mass, Mexican-American meal and the program. Several of the Sisters spoke about the services the Sisters at our Mexico Mission offer to many villages in their area around San Rafael, Nueva Leon, Mexico. And of course, there were lots of pictures to watch as part of the power point presentation.

Yesterday we have a large group of Health Care Professionals meeting here. This group, Health4Life, is a collaboration of the Cass, Morrison, Todd and Wadena County Public Health Departments who are sponsoring the workshop. There are about 30 to 40 participants.

Father Tony Kroll was presider at the “Spanish Mass” we had this morning. We honored Blessed Miguel Pro. Ordained in 1925, he ministered “underground” because of the anti-Catholic persecution going on in Mexico. He was executed without a trial for his faith on November 23, 1927.

Sunday the 29th, we have the Blessing of Animals at Washington Park here in Little Falls. Folks are invited to bring their pets for a special blessing and a treat. There are treats for the pet owners, also. We usually get lots of dogs. Cats are glad to be in their protective cages! It is always fun to see which animals will be brought.

Starting October 1st, there will be changes in the hours the Receptionist Office will be open: 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays.

Thursday, October 3rd, at 7 p.m. we Franciscans celebrate what is known as the Transitus of St. Francis. It is a remembrance of the death of St. Francis. We recall the last words of St. Francis to some of his favorite followers…who include us.

October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis, the festive Mass is at 11 a.m. At 4:30 p.m. we have Evening Prayer.

Then that evening at 7 p.m. we have a wonderful presentation by THE ROSE ENSEMBLE. This group of about a dozen musicians is doing its 8th annual Greater Minnesota Tour. In ten days they are visiting ten different cities…and we are lucky enough to have them come to our place in Little Falls! The ROOTS OF BLUEGRASS features close vocal harmonies, banjo, guitar, and fiddle for a journey through our country’s musical heritage. It will be another great evening of entertainment. You are invited to join us.

My prayer for you: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His Face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He look upon you with kindness and give you His Peace. May the Lord bless you + the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen . (Blessing of St. Francis)

Sister Mary Lou

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