
Preparations continue, Christmas is close!

December 17, 2012

Third Week of Advent. Christmas is a bit more than a week away. May the Lord be with you as you continue your preparation for Christmas.

Last Thursday evening the Lions Club members came to sing Christmas songs for the Sisters. As part of the program one of the Lions, Brad, gave a tribute to the Sisters he knew who gave him a chance to get an education and become a successful elementary school teacher. When he was a student at the Junior College in Fergus Falls we hired him to help clean classrooms after school and take 6th grade boys phy ed. The money he made helped pay his college bills and also gave him a desire to be a teacher. Thanks, Brad.

On Friday evening the two Strings Orchestras from St. Francis Music Center presented their concerts. A jam-packed Chapel of people enjoyed the beautiful music. The acoustics in Sacred Heart Chapel are so good. Performers like to perform there. The Con ‘Brio Orchestra has 28 members and the Sforzando Orchestra has 27 members. In the program, Celo ‘V’ec writes a very interesting little history of each of the 13 pieces. I really like that. Celo was given a beautiful Christmas cactus in thanks for his work.

Saturday we had 6/10 inch of rain during the day. Later the temperatures dropped and we got a little snow. This left roads and sidewalks icy and bumpy. I just stayed inside Saturday and Sunday.

Sister Donna completed a beautiful puzzle. We each are one of those birds in the hands of a God who loves and cared for us. The pieces to this puzzle were really little.

In the back of the small chapel are two Christmas trees, covered with the prayer intentions sent in by our Donors. If you returned your card, it is there. All of us Sisters are praying for you now and all through the year.

On the 12th we celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. I admire Juan Diego, a poor farmer to whom Our Lady appeared and asked him to tell the Bishop to build a church in her honor in the place where they stood. To prove she was sending Juan, she filled his cloak with roses and a picture of herself on his cloak. This church is a place of pilgrimage in Mexico.

Tomorrow evening at 6 p.m. we will be having our Advent Penance Service.

On Thursday from 3 to 7 p.m., Sr. Julien and I will be at Coborn’s Superstore “Making a Joyful Noise” as a fund raiser for the Food Shelf. We thank generous donors who help this very worthy cause.

 Let us pray for the people suffering because of the Sandy Hook School tragedy.

Have a good week.
God bless you.

Sister Mary Lou

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