Welcome Summer! Summer arrived with a boom and a bang early Friday Morning (12:04 a.m.)! Since the beginning of summer we’ve had nearly 4 inches of rain in our rain gage. Some places have had from 9 to 14 inches of rain. That’s toooooo much in a few days. I’ve seen lots of fields with temporary ponds in them…even ducks swimming in one pond. Many places are still out of power, but not us.
Yesterday I checked to see how the Community Gardens are doing. They are beautiful and growing very nicely in my estimation. Lots of people were tending their plots in the afternoon. One garden has lots of lettuce ready for harvesting. Now that we have some sun and some heat, they should do well...and if they don’t get any hail damage.
The bloodmobile was here three days last week. We received 231 units of blood. That is a lot. We are grateful to the many donors and the many walk-ins who came to share the gift of life with others. Thank you and God bless you.

Last Wednesday we had the funeral for Sister Baptista. Many family and friends came to honor her. Her nephews, Fathers Leroy and Jerry Schik, were the presiders at Mass. Father Jerry’s homily was tremendous.
The Transportation Department was honored last Thursday morning with fresh doughnuts from the local Senior Center. We all enjoyed the bulletin board the Activities Committee assembled. Each of the many drivers was pictured in a little car. Very cleverly done.
Seven young people came Friday to share their YTM (Youth in Theology and Ministry) experiences. What a wonderful way to get youth into ministry in their local churches. Sister Adela, for the past 7 years, has gotten grant money to help Hispanic youth from the Melrose area, get funds so they can attend this program at St. John’s.

Several of us attended the One Voice Mixed Chorus Concert at First United Church yesterday afternoon. I heard that they are the Number One chorus in MN. I can understand why. They are really good! There were about 70 of them singing and then for a couple songs about 15 singers from the community joined the chorus. At the State Fair they have every manageable kind of food on a stick. Well, the One Voice Mixed Chorus had “Music on a Stick” for the sing-along songs.

May the Lord give you energy and strength and lots of good friends to help for all of you cleaning up after the weekend’s storms.
Have a good week.
Peace and blessings,
Sr. Mary Lou
PS: Did you happen to watch Nik Wallenda walk successfully across the Grand Canyon on a two inch cable last night? He prayed and so did we. It was a long 22 minutes ... and a long way down, if he'd fallen.