It’s good to know there are lots of good people in the world. The news broadcasts and newspapers are mostly filled with stories of the bad things going on. Well, this is a “good news” item. A couple weeks ago I lost my pink earmuffs at Wal-Mart. I checked with their lost-and-found to no avail. But I left my name and phone number. Anyway, I got a phone call the other day telling me they had my earmuffs. Thank you, to whoever turned them in. (I really didn’t expect that I’d ever see them again.)
Because of the severe cold, I’ve had a clean car for 4 ½ days, I went through the carwash last Thursday when it was warm…and since then it’s been too cold to do any melting. So I am rejoicing that I can touch the car and not get dirty.
Last Thursday evening we had our Employee Appreciation Dinner and program. Many employees were recognized for being with us 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years. It is always so good to gather in this way and to meet the spouses of the employees. Michelle Olson was given the Francis Award. This award is given to a person nominated by the Sisters and Employees for their exceptional service. Michelle helps care for the Sisters in Clare Residence. Congratulations, Michelle.
Sisters Grace and Carol are back from their Mission Trip to Nicaragua. It was another successful venture. In the Health Clinic they served over 550 people with a variety of health needs. Building projects were completed and others started. Much good was accomplished. Thank you to all who were part of this in any way.
And another trip to mention, too… is the trip to Mexico. There is a small group that has been studying Spanish. Four of them decided to go to our Leon, Mexico and try out their Spanish. One of the four had to drop out of the trip, so they asked Sr. Bernarda to go. She had an up-to-date passport, so she went along. I saw her shortly before they left. She was so excited. God bless them on their journey. They will return February 2nd.
Each month the Chamber of Commerce sponsors a program called “Business After Hours.” This is a time to visit various business places that one might not ordinarily get to see. This past week Bridgeway Estates was the destination. It is an assisted living facility on the east side of town. I was there when the place opened in 2001. It is a lovely place and I was happy to see it again.
If we are going to have a “January Thaw,” it will have to happen real fast as there are not many days left in January. Saturday it got all the way to zero for the high for the day! This morning it was minus 21 again!
I found this little item that is appropriate for now.
“Christmas Aftermath”
When the song of the angels is still,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the Kings are back home again,
When the shepherds are back with their sheep,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To find the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among people.
-Author Unknown-

Bernie Evans, Professor of Theology, St. John’s University, gave an inspirational reflection. To me, his point was that whatever denomination, churches will not become one until everyone is doing the works that Jesus asks of us…to feed the hungry, care for widows and orphans, care for the sick and needy. When we do those things, Jesus will welcome us into His Kingdom.
This is Catholic Schools Week. God bless all the students, teachers and parishes that are part of Catholic School education. I worked nearly 50 years in Catholic School and they are dear to my heart. It is with joy I remember some of the activities I participated in during Catholic Schools Week. Thank you, teachers, for all you do for the students and families in our Catholic Schools.
Pax et Bonum,
Sister Mary Lou